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Bible & Mythology Independent Research Project: Mythology Project

Assignment Checklist

You are in the Library for four days. What do you need to accomplish before you leave?



-Explore your Independent Research Topic. Find which databases have the most information on your topic. Read up on the background and brief history of the culture/people for more information.



-Find information on a creation myth

-Find information on a flood story

-Find information on one main myth to retell to the class

-Find information on 3-5 gods

-Gather all your information together to answer the following questions: How were the gods worshipped? How widespread were their beliefs? Did this system replace an older belief system? When did this belief system die out? What replaced it?



-Present using a Prezi or Powerpoint

-Create handouts for class with notes on history, culture, main gods, charts with comparisons to Noah and creation story

-Visual representation of main myth (video/art/movie/presentation)

-Last slide: Works Cited page (Cite EVERYTHING- including images!)

-Here is a Citation Worksheet to help you keep track of your sources while you are researching. Open the doc, make a copy on your own Drive, and use it as much as you need.

Search the WHS Library Catalog

Finding Print Books and Ebooks in the Library

Finding Print Books in the Library

To find books on your topic - search our library catalog

Remember that books with a call number beginning with REF are reference books and cannot be checked out of the library.  Reference books are located along the righthand wall and in some of the lower shelves of the library. 

Nonfiction books are in the low shelves along the righthand side of the library.

Finding & Reading Ebooks from the Library

Many of the ebooks at the Wellesley High School Library are entered directly into the catalog and do not need to be searched separately.

If you want to read an ebook on your computer or device at home add the word "ebook" to your catalog search. Once you locate an ebook that you are interested in reading simply click on the link in the catalog entry for that ebook. The book will open and you can:

  • browse through the pages
  • use the table of contents to skip to a specific section
  • search the text for specific word or phrase

Using Websites?

Using unverified websites?

Make sure to fully evaluate your sources for Trustworthiness, Relevancy, Accessibility, and Currency. Use this worksheet to cross reference your sources.


Databases to EXPLORE Information

ABC-Clio database icon

Recommended ABC-ClO Databases:

  • World History: Ancient And Medieval Eras
  • World Religions

Britannica School database icon

Databases to FIND Information

Religion & Philosophy Collection database icon

ebrary database icon

The Research Process

1. EXPLORE: explore your topic using resources to get background information and build a base of knowledge

2. ASK: Develop a question or questions based on what you learned from your exploratory research and what you want to know (& suspect)

3. FIND: Find and evaluate resources that will help you answer your question

4. GATHER: Gather info from your sources, keeping track of where you got your information (note-taking and bibliography)

5. CONNECT: Connect the information you've gathered to your original question

   Reevaluate: Does the information answer my question?

   Is the info sufficient?

   Does it point me to another question

   In the end, CARE about your research

   (Connect And Re-Evaluate)

6. PRESENTATION: Presentation of information (paper, poster, etc.)