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Nationalism & Imperialism Project: Home


Research Questions

  • If, in the first half of the 19th century, nationalism emerge as a means of liberal emancipation, then how by the end of the 19th century did it become a tool of political and social control?
  • Why did European nations practice new imperialism in Asia, Africa and Latin America?

  • What impact did the alteration of indigenous cultures by imperial powers have on the development of anit-colonial nationalist movements?

  • How were imperial relationships both exploitative and reciprolc [i.e., both sides benefit]?

  • How did conceptions about race and nation change in relation to the shifting political and economic dynamics of this era?

Research Process

1. EXPLORE: explore your topic using resources to get background information and build a base of knowledge

2. ASK: Develop a question or questions based on what you learned from your exploratory research and what you want to know (& suspect)

3. FIND: Find and evaluate resources that will help you answer your question

4. GATHER: Gather info from your sources, keeping track of where you got your information (note-taking and bibliography)

5. CONNECT: Connect the information you've gathered to your original question

6. PRESENTATION: Presentation of information (paper, poster, etc.)

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Citing your Sources!

Best Practices:

  • Create a new project in your account as soon the project is assigned.
  • Add each source into mybib as you find it and you will have a list of all your sources so you will not forget or lose any.

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