1. EXPLORE: Explore information on your topic. Learn basic background info and facts: Who? What? Where? When?
2. ASK: Ask questions. Develop and refine a research question based on what you learned in your exploratory research.
3. FIND: Find and evaluate sources. Look for sources that deepen your knowledge of your topic.
4. GATHER: Gather important info - go deep! Read actively, take notes, keep track of sources. What info is useful?
5. CONNECT: Connect your notes back to your research question. Can you answer your question? Do you need more info? Has your evidence led you to a new question?
6. PITCH: Pitch your ideas. Summarize your research and propose a product to your teacher or a peer.
7. CREATE: Create your product with pride!
Best Practices:
To limit your Google Search results to more reliable websites you can do this:
site:edu + search terms
For example site:edu inca empire
site:gov + search terms
For example site:gov ming dynasty