4th Grade State Research Guide
Here are some online resources to help you find information on your state!
The passwords are here. You must be logged in to your WPS account.
Email Mrs. Scott if you have any trouble: scottr@wellesleyps.org
Read ebooks and watch short videos on the states..
MackinVIA offers one of the same books on each state. This book will read to you if you click the "play" triangle.
Epic offers many state books-- and tons of books on famous people, places, and historical events in the states. You will need your class code.
Databases for Research
Use these databases to find information about your state.
Information on each state's culture, images, timelines, history, population, etc. After logging in, click on the States Edition.
(Formerly Kids InfoBits)
State information, maps, and pictures. You do not need a password.
Lots of information on the states and on Native Americans
No username and password needed from school.
From home: Username: hawks1 Password: hawks1
Other Helpful Websites
After you have looked in the databases, try these websites to find information about your state.
Need more information?
Look on the "Website Resources by State" tab to see if there are other websites about your state.