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AP US History Annotated Bibliography Project: Home

Research Process

1. EXPLORE: explore your topic using resources to get background information and build a base of knowledge

2. ASK: Develop a question or questions based on what you learned from your exploratory research and what you want to know (& suspect)

3. FIND: Find and evaluate resources that will help you answer your question

4. GATHER: Gather info from your sources, keeping track of where you got your information (note-taking and bibliography)

5. CONNECT: Connect the information you've gathered to your original question

6. PITCH: Pitch your ideas. Summarize your research and propose a product to your teacher or a peer.

7: CREATE: Create your product with pride!

Emotional Process of Research

Assignment and project timeline

Databases and Encyclopedias - for background information

Academic Resources

Citing your Sources!

Best Practices:

  • Create a new project in your account as soon the project is assigned.
  • Add each source into mybib as you find it and you will have a list of all your sources so you will not forget or lose any.

Stuck? Sign up for 1:1 with a librarian!

Finding Print Materials for Research!

Suggestions for working with print sources:

Once you have located a book related to your topic, use the  Index and Table of Contents to help you find the specific sections that are relevant to your research.

If you end up using this source in your annotated bibliography, use the ISBN in MyBib under the Book Tab to search for and find the specific title and edition that you took notes from.

Suggested Sites for locating Primary Sources