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Lights, Camera: A Call to Action!: Background

10th grade Modern World History core project. Students create a short documentary on a global issue and connect it to a country's history.

About Background Information

This page provides resources to gather background information on your topic. As you read, make notes of interesting facts, observations, and questions on your broad topic. This will help the discussion with your group members to narrow your topic and strategise how to deepen your research and fill in the gaps of information.

Some Reference Books in WHS Library

A reference source provides broad coverage of a topic and can give you information on key topics, events, people, and a chronology to start.

TIP Check the bibliographies of the articles you read for further sources. 

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ABC-Clio Social Studies Databases
From WHS From Home 
A comprehensive collection of primary and secondary sources, covering ancient world history; modern world history; US history; American government; United States at war; state geography; and issues: understanding controversy and society.

CQ Researcher
Offers in-depth coverage of political and social issues, with regular full text reports on topics in health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the U.S. economy.

Credo Reference
A database that features online content from a hundred reference books, newspaper, and websites in a broad range of subjects. 


Global Issues in Context

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E-books exist as both a traditional book with pages and in a searchable, electronic version. You can go to a list of some of our e-books by clicking on the below link. You can also search the WHS catalog for e-books on your topic. 

ABC-Clio eBooks

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